Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Don't STOP...!!!

My eldest daughter is in a stage where she HATES (yes... hates with capital letters) School...  She is in Primary 4 where the teachers started bombarding her with tons of homework and exams.  Her sweet teacher turned out to be a super duper mean woman (she said), her bag is waaaay heavier than my grocery bags and her hours in school are longer than my working hours.  This year she started her required co-curriculum activities at school.  She participated in Puteri Islam, Chess Club, Theatre and English Club. 

Just looking at her made me feel tired....

I remember when I was in Primary School, I didn't have all those extra curriculum at school but my mother put me in Mandarin tuition which I hated very much... I hated the fact that I had to struggle to stay awake listening to Laoshe for one full hour in the afternoon instead of spending my precious time climbing guava tree with my friends.  Now I hate the fact that I hated the Mandarin tuition because after all the years spent struggling in Mandarin tuition, I still can't speak Mandarin..!! What a waste of time... Imagine how many guavas I could pluck if I didn't attend that useless tuition..!!

My high school was even worse... I remember I used to stay awake until past midnight to study for exams and to finish my homework.  My school started at 6.45am so when I left home at 6.15 in the morning I usually continued my sleep in the car until the driver woke me up infront of the school.  I was an A-student during my high school years... but now... if you asked me something about whatever I learned at that time, I totally don't remember anything.  I studied for the exams... after that.... everything was erased from my memory.  Sooo... another waste of time, right?  Why should I suffer staying late to study if I would forget everything when the bell rang?

At that time I studied because I had to...

In College, I studied hard because I wanted to graduate as soon as possible and I had a big responsibility to make my parents proud of me.  I studied to score high GPAs so I could enter the job market easily.  I studied because I had to... I never enjoyed it.

When I met my husband I was totally surprised.... He LOVES (yes, loves with capital letters) studying...!! He really enjoys reading "serious books".  He has been thinking about going back to schools but he has not had the time yet....

I was shocked to know that there is actually a person who likes to be tortured by serious books and lectures and homeworks...

After many why's and how's, finally I understand why he loves learning.... He treats studying as learning new stuffs.   He finds a lof of interesting stuffs that enrich his life by learning something new. 

During his school years, he was never forced to study.... He had great teachers who made learning fun... He said he never really studied and he never felt tortured doing homework because everything was done in a fun way...  He remembers his days in boarding school as the most fun time of his life, playing the whole day... But yet, he can remember all the chemistry, physics, history, geography lessons he got from his high school days...!!

There I was.... studying hard, staying late, tortured by the homework.  Result : forget everything..!

His case : playing the whole day, having fun. Result : remember everything he learned at school.

He even knows that Burkina Faso is a name of a country in Africa..!! I thought it was a fancy name for a new branded handbag, I didn't remember I ever learned about Burkina Faso at school... (my high school Geography teacher would cry if he heard this)

IT'S NOT FAIR....!!!

Now that I grow wiser...(...ehhhmmmm...) I learn to love learning.... Since I don't need to have high scores or to pass any exam, I don't study because I have to anymore... I study because I want to learn new skills, I want to know new stuffs, I want to explore more interesting things...

I feel that I am living a richer life... all because of the new things I learn everyday...

Last year my friend asked me to go to this seminar on internet business. I was very reluctant at first because I had very little knowledge on IT.  Technology scared me.... Internet meant emails and google. But my husband urged me to go... he even accompanied me to the seminar.  I still remember him saying," Why are you so scared of learning new stuffs?  You have nothing to lose... Just go to the seminar.... If you like it, you can act on it and if you don't, we'll have some nice ikan bakar around that area."

I was glad I went to that seminar.... It started my journey in getting intimate with internet stuffs.  I even enrolled myself for a 9-month program to learn more... My life is indeed richer... I never thought that I would be able to build a website.  Now I have my own website.... and... I even publish an ebook...!!  It has been a very interesting and fun journey....

One of my obligations as a Muslim is to seek knowledge and spread it for the benefit of the humankind.

According to Al-Tharmidzi (Hadith 74), The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said :

The seeking of knowledge is an obligatory of every Muslim."

Confucious once said :

I hear and I forget.  I see and I remember. I do and I understand.

If you are interested to know more about internet life (and business), I list down a few upcoming seminars that may help you start the journey.

This one is conducted by the celebrities...!! The Seminar is in Bahasa Malaysia.

Click here to learn more:

or you can also try this one by Patric Chan.  This seminar is conducted in English...

Click here to learn more:

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Woman ooooh woman...

Women always cry out for discriminations...
Women want emancipation and gender equality...
Some women even want to be born as men....

I have seen women with muscular bodies.... trying to look more like men (and make "normal" hunks looked less macho)

I heard and read condemnations from foreigners on how women were badly discriminated in the "less developed countries" like those in Asia and Middle East.... forgetting that Asians have a lot of FEMALE leaders (Presidents and Prime Ministers) in their histories.... We have Corazon Aquino, Megawati Soekarnoputri, Benazir Bhutto, Pratibha Patil, Gloria Maccapagal-Arroyo, etc... (while until now, there has never been a Female US President).

Are we really discriminated?  Do we really want to be treated as a man?

If you ask me those questions....

My answers are... NO NO NO NO NO....

I don't want to have gender equality....
I don't want to be treated like a man....
I think women should be treated differently....

Don't shoot a nasty look at me..!!

I am fully aware that in some parts of the world women are still very oppressed...... but I am not talking about them now.... I am talking about us... about you and me...

I believe a woman should be treated with respect and care as a woman, not as a man.

C'mon.... God created Men AND Women...
I am sure my God is super duper smart so that He created two totally different humans, Men and Women...

If Man and Woman are to be treated equally... might as well, no need to create two different things..

Some of my friends complained that it's nice to be men... no need to give birth, no need to have period cramps... but when I asked them to work fulltime to fully support the family, go under the car to fix car tyres, lift the heavy bedframe to make room arrangement or simply change the light bulbs.. they said : Nooooo... that's a man's job... I don't want to do that...!! So, what do you want.. woman?

I used to say to my girlfriends... Jangan melanggar kodrat.. (Don't go against your fate).

God has created us to be women. Accept it.... We can not change it... (technically yes, with plastic surgery.. but only under a special case). 

Actually we have to embrace it....

We are lucky to have the previledge of feeling the most intense love as a mother...
We have the previledge of having fun with handbags and make ups...
We have the previledge of having long beautiful hair without someone staring at us...
We have the previledge of wearing blings blings and anything glamorous...

and of course, we have the previledge of saying," sorry darling.... I am soooo tired today... I am having my period... could you please do this, this, this, that, that, and this one too and... pleeeaase take that shopping bags from the car...? It's too heavy for a woman...."

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of International Woman's Day on March 08 this year, let's embrace ourselves for being a woman.  Let's release all the feminine vibes in us...

Let's HAVE FUN..

The Accidental Prisoners

I have been neglecting this blog for more than 2 years.  The last post I wrote was in 2016. I thought I would never write again.  The craz...