It is such a weird feeling.... I never thought I would feel like this towards him.
He came at a very unexpected time of my life... at a time when I don’t want to be bothered with anything that put me in emotional roller coaster.
But he made me addicted...
Every morning I smile when I hear his voice
Every night before I sleep, I sneak out from my bedroom to hear his voice
The voice alone could make me feel happy and blushed... making botox unnecessary
The way he looks at me really makes my heart melt
When he touches me, it is always gentle
And when I touch him, the sensation is so wonderful and calming
Everyday I have to hear his voice and I have to see him
I never thought I could ever feel like this towards Perry...
He came to my house one night and refused to leave. At first I was irritated and shooed him away. I even splashed him with water and he didn"t budge.
He dropped by in our house every day and night without fail, making our garden as his sanctuary.
After awhile we relented, let him stay and even gave him a name...
My youngest daughter named her Catty Perry coz she is a big fan of Katty Perry and she thought Catty is a perfect name for a cat. Coincidently, my next-door neighbour had been calling him Catty since the first time he came into our neighbourhood. And to confirm that he likes his new name, he responds when someone calls him Catty.
I had never been a pet lover before. Don’t get me wrong...... I love animals but I don’t have the passion and patient to take care of animals. I can’t commit myself to bath, feed and clean animals. I had my share in changing diapers for years and I don’t miss the stinky smell at all.
My families in Bandung have always had dogs in their houses but never have a cat. I grew up surrounded by dogs and fish as pets. I know that I could fall in love with dogs easier than with cats. Dogs take care of their owners while cats need to be taken care of. Cats are divas while dogs are servant... (and of course, I need a servant, NOT a diva in my life...). I never know any cat who defends her owner when he/she is attacked by a robber or any cat who brings shoes and newspaper for the owner.
In fact, I used to hate cats. Sorry, but I have bad experiences with cats... I had stray cats doing picnics, meetings, and all sort of things in my garden, leaving behind stinky poops, urines and vomits. My maid and I tried everything to stop those cats from coming to our garden, spending lots of money and efforts. Finally last year my maid came up with brilliant idea of sprinkling ground chillies on the ground. We were "cat free" for a good one year... What a nice feeling to be able to open my windows without greeted by the stench from cat litters...
I am also allergic to cat fur. I get itchy and rashes when cat furs touch my skin. And I really hate cat’s lice. My skin is very sensitive to the lice. When I get bitten, the itch will not go away for more than a week. The itchiness is so intense that once I dropped a hot candle wax on it to kill the itch.
Now I already have a few bite marks from the lice on my feet, forcing me to embarrassingly scratch myself like a mad woman... I have to clean his sandbox... I have to share my pocket money to buy her expensive food and shampoo (his shampoo is more expensive than mine..!!). I have to send her regularly to the Vet for vaccination and lice treatment. It’s like having a new baby in the house... My commitment increased and my pocket money decreased...
How did I get to be like this? I tolerate all of those things... with a smile...!! Despite the itchiness, the rashes and the extra work I have to do to take care of him, I still love him.. I never thought I would do something like this.
I never thought I would fall in love again....
But again, as I said before.... we can’t really plan on who and when we will fall in love with.....
As of now, my whole family is in love with Catty Perry.
cathy is soooo cute!